Mahathir Science Award Ceremony
The Mahathir Science Award Ceremony is where the Mahathir Science Award Laureate is presented with the prize. Eminent leaders from government, industry and academia are invited to attend the event. The Laureate also gives a public lecture after the ceremony.
Science for Youth Global Essay Competition
The Science for Youth Global Essay Competition is our annual essay competition aimed at reaching out to young people aged 13 – 18 years old worldwide.
International Conference on Tropical Sciences (TropSc) 2024
The International Conference on Tropical Sciences (TropSc) 2024 is co-organised by the Mahathir Science Award Foundation and the Academy of Sciences Malaysia to provide a platform to bring together stakeholders to position the Tropics in the context of global development and identify needed interventions by government, private sector and academia. The theme for TropSc2024 is ‘Planetary Health’.
International Conference on Tropical Sciences (TropSc) 2021
The International Conference on Tropical Sciences is co-organised by the Mahathir Science Award Foundation and the Academy of Sciences Malaysia to provide a platform to bring together stakeholders to position the Tropics in the context of global development and identify needed interventions by government, private sector and academia. The theme for TropSc2021 is ‘Contributions to Sustainability’.